• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Are You On The Road To WEMBLEY!!!

  Unless you’ve been on extended vacation to Mars,   you won’t need reminding that tomorrow is the 2012 FA Cup Final between Liverpool and Chelsea. Mal will be there with his…

Did Your Cup Game Take Place Over The Weekend?

Mal asks – Due to the  atrocious Weather over the weekend, will your league manage to finish their fixtures before the deadline?  

Have You Ever Heard the Word “SNAP-HIM?!!!”

Shouting from the touchline is one thing  – But when does shouting switch from encouragement to intimidation? Have you ever heard the word “SNAP-HIM?!!!”

Is Your Team In A Cup Final?

Tonight, Mal asks “Is Your Team In A  Cup Final ?”  How do you plan to support your team, and does it bring out the worst in you, from the touchline,…

Are Barriers Needed On Junior Football Grounds?

BARRIERS Are they Really Needed On Junior Football Grounds?

What’s On At Grassroots Football?

Click on the pix… On this day. when the Sea Odyssey Giant Spectacular was taking place in Liverpool City Centre,  Mal talks about how this spectacular show unfolded; and also interviews…

How Much Does It Cost To Keep Your Child in Football? – Continued…

How deep are your pockets? Last night’s show caused a stir with parents who did not realise just how much it costs to keep a child playing football at grassroots.…

Diving only way we can compete with world’s elite – Evening Standard

“Abroad is unutterably bloody, and foreigners are fiends.  So said Uncle Matthew in Nancy Mitford’s The Pursuit Of Love, and this — or something not very far off it —…

How Much To Keep Your Child In Junior Football? – Part 1

Boots, kits, travel & subscriptions are just some of the things that escalate costs beyond the reach of some parents, making grassroots football seem an unattractive  option for some parents? Why…

FA Officials Give You The Answers…

DXTL have been out and about at Liverpool County FA extracting the answers to your questions and finding out the truth behind those rumours, such as 9×9’s and funding, that are…