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Mal Lee

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dxtl planting the message-early

  “Mal, talks about Don’t X the Line, and how we plant the message early within grassroots football. and try to involve the children in our real Respect and Fair…

its looking good for games on

“Mal plays you a couple of  interviews founders of the NCFA, National Children’s Football alliance, Ernie Brennan, and Paul Cooper, two great characters of the junior game, and great entertainers.…

what is dxtl all about

“Mal, plays some previous interviews to give you a insight about the DXTL, campaign and what we are all about,

‘Respect the Referee’ Awareness Weekend 16th -17th March 2013

Download the full press release in pdf format Right Click and Save To Desktop – CLICK HERE .  Over the weekend 16th/17th March Don’t X The Line Campaign is working together…

happy valentines day

“Mal, wishes everyone a very happy valentines day, let us hope your days together will last forever.What was your favourite poem, did it go something like this,Roses are Red Violets…

carry on the fight against Racism.

“Mal talks about the return of racism, and thinks Sky Sports, have done a marvellous job by bringing it to everyones attention that Racism is bigger than we thought at…

Trash the Ash at JFL

  “Mal, A call for smoking bans on touchlines at junior leagues proves to be popular, many feel the time is right to make this compulsory as it is also…

You Are The Ref

“You Are The Ref – A Guide To Good Refereeing” by Paul Trevillion and Keith Hackett You Are the Ref: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to the Laws of Football  Paul Trevillion, Europe’s foremost…

Mal with the PFA in support of DXTL

  “Mal was with the PFA, on his visit to Manchester gaining their support for the Awareness Weekend  16th-17th March 2013.  This is a massive step for the future of…

yet again junior games called off due to water logged pitches

“Mal talks about the young Referee’s and players within football who are being targeted and groomed to fix games by unscrupulous gangs. The authorities need to act now and protect…