• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Have You Got Your New Kit For The New Season Ahead, As A Parent What Is The Cost In A Season Of Football For Your Child.?

ByMal Lee

Jul 31, 2015
Is the cost of putting your child in to a football team tempting you to keep them out of a team because you find it hard to make ends meet.?
Is the cost of putting your child in to a football team tempting you to keep them out of a team because you find it hard to make ends meet.?

Mal” talks about the cost of a child playing football,  as a parent do you find it manageable or is the cost tempting you to keep your child away from junior football because you are finding it hard to make ends meet. Or are you one of the lucky ones who has a club/manager  who helps you by fund raising themselves and help you by keeping the cost to a minimum .?