‘Mal asks the question,Top flight football Managers, do they really understand what goes on behind the scenes in Grassroots Football, or do they look upon it as just a place were their respected clubs and scouts pick and choose the talented players to add the there Academies. Do they realise the amount of hard work and effort that the many thousands of volunteers unwittingly put their spare time and effort at Junior Football, to help them and there clubs fill up their Academies,No they do not Respect that, however they do understand disrespect ! as every Manager snubbed the wearing of the badge today in support of the Respect and Fair play Awareness weekend at Grassroots across the Country by not wearing a badge in support ,The badge started with the heading Don’t X The Line.Well today each and every one of you Managers, did Cross the Line, and would like to thank all the premier League Referee’s and Officials for supporting the Awareness weekend for Dont’ X the Line and Grassroots football.Your feedback please,?
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